Program Specialists


The Butte County SELPA employs three Program Specialists who support staff, students, and parents in member schools and districts.  Their service is provided for in Education Code 56205(a)(12)(B) and 56368.  A program specialist is a specialist who holds a valid special education credential, clinical services credential, health services credential or a school psychologist authorization and advanced training and related experience in the education of individuals with exceptional needs. Program specialist services are provided by the SELPA and include the following services:Front cover of trifold SELPA brochure describing the work of SELPA program specialists.

Facilitation for the placement of students in programs outside their district of residence.

Observation, consultation and assistance to special education teachers and support staff in accordance with LEA procedures.

Program planning, coordination of curricular resources and the evaluation of the effectiveness of programs for children with disabilities.

Provision of in-service training and technical assistance for regular and special education teachers, administrators, support staff and parents.

Provision of coordination, consultation and program development in one or more specialized areas of expertise.

Participation in and/or facilitation of IEP team meetings, upon request, when technical assistance is needed.

Assistance in mediation, due process hearings and compliance proceedings by providing expertise and knowledge of special education law and regulations as well as programs and appropriate interventions available throughout the SELPA.

Assistance in developing training for parents and members of the Community Advisory Committee.

Assistance as a liaison to various community agencies such as the Department of Behavioral Health, Far Northern Regional Center, California Children’s Services, Probation Department, etc.

Assure that pupils have full educational opportunity regardless of the district of residence.

Click the IMAGE at the right to download our brochure.

To request support from a SELPA Program Specialist, please contact us at (530) 532-5621, or at